To work hand in hand with our qualified consultants, we also offer an assurance group. They are a team of highly motivated individuals eager to provide quality services and to ensure that optimum results are achieved. Working together, we build a foundation for continual performance improvement. Our teams can offer support during all phases of product launch and for general parts inspection both imposed or self-imposed.
- Staffing Solutions: We offer a wide range of staffing options. Engineers, consultants, on site reps and inspectors. For more information, visit our Staffing Services page.
- Detailed Work Instructions: QCCG Work Instructions are some of the most comprehensive work instructions in the industry. Let us create yours.
- Layered Process Audits: LPA will drive cultural changes throughout an organization to improve quality, reduce scrap and rework time that can cause customer rejections. Layered audits represent a system focusing on high risk processes and error proofing.
- 3rd Party Containment: OEM approved for supplier/manufacturer site parts containment. Fast Response. Full project set up. We will help protect your company and provide the necessary information for you to implement corrective action for quality issues.
- Rework-QCCG team members are trained according to detailed work instructions to insure rework is done per site and part specifications.
- Traveling Teams: Teams of experienced inspectors are available on short notice to travel to your (or your customers) site to contain issues and provide feedback and data for issue corrections. We can be onsite and ready for kick off typically in 24 hours or less.
- Data Reporting: All findings are made available in simple, easy to read I-Chart form and are available on each job. Charts are detailed and customized to fit your specific needs. These reports provide the necessary information to quickly respond and correct issues that are found.
- Professional/Experienced personnel: QCCG Team members are rigorously trained to follow work instructions. Unless requested by the customer, QCCG does not hire temps. Our staff can provide your team with vital and valuable feedback from the field.